3rd International Conference on

Exploring Colossal Technological Advances
of the 21st Century in Social Science,
Engineering and Technology (ICECTASET-2024)

Bali , Indonesia
Organized by : Institute For Educational Research and Publication (IFERP) - Indonesia Society
ISBN : 978-93-92104-34-3
Conference Date
29th-30th May,2024
Conference Venue
Holiday Inn Resort®Baruna Bali, Jalan Wana Segara 33, Tuban, Bali 80361, Indonesia.
Call:(+91)76694 09022
Press 1 (For International Conferences with Journal Publications)

Theme: “Exploring Novel Frontiers: Social Science, Education, Engineering, Technology, and Management”


Institute For Educational Research and Publication (IFERP) invites you to the Global Andean 3rd International Conference on Exploring Colossal Technological Advances of the 21st Century in Social Science, Education, Engineering and Technology (ICECTASET-2024) in Bali , Indonesia The ICECTASET provides a global platform to academics, researchers, scholars, and professionals from universities, research institutes, and industries across the globe, working on topics related to sustainable engineering and education
Under the theme of " ICECTACSET conference is to provide unique results and challenges in the fields of science, engineering, technology, and management”, ICECTASET 2024 is dedicated to sharing the latest knowledge, discoveries, and innovative ideas in the field of engineering and education with participants. It is an excellent opportunity for expert researchers to discover, publish in top-indexed journals, and get inspiration from experiences shared by industry experts, keynote speakers, and session speakers.
Register now for this informative international engineering and technology conferences!


ICECTASET’s core purpose is to globally foster critical thinking and its effective utilization in the field of sustainable engineering and education by providing means to communicate and network among various people, motivated by similar interests. The international engineering conference seeks to facilitate meaningful discussions on current issues, trends, and challenges in sustainability, engineering, and education. By bringing together experts from around the world, the conference aims to foster a deeper understanding of the subject and inspire new ideas.


Enhance international cooperation

Provide opportunities for networking

Economic growth

Scholars help

New learnings

Contribute to technological advancements

Promoting the exchange of ideas

Knowledge sharing

Important Dates

Early Bird Deadline

16th April 2024

Abstract Submission Deadline

12th May 2024

Full Paper Submission

17th May 2024

Final Registration Deadline

24th May 2024

ICECTASET-2024 Features

Spotlights are listed below but are not limited to

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Syed Zulkarnain Syed Idrus

Associate Professor
Universiti Malaysia Perlis

Prof. Dr. Abhimanyu Veerakumarasivam

Sunway University

Prof. Dr. Noor Zaman

Department of Computer Science (Cyber Security)
Taylor’s University

Mr. Michael Fox

Chief Rainmaker

Dr.I Gusti Ayu Purnamawati

Economics and Accounting Department
Faculty of Economics
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Singaraja, Bali

Exclusive Keynote Speakers

Dr. Azzaky, MD, Internist, FINASIM

Government Center Hospital Soeradji Tirtonegoro,
Central Java Indonesia

Dr. Anik Yuesti, SE, MM

Facutly of Economics
University of Mahasaraswati,
Denpasar, Indonesia

Session Speakers

Mr. Francis Teo

Managing Director
Singapore International Business Alliance Pte Ltd

Ms. Arti Gangaiya

Vice President
Employer Branding Lead
NatWest Group

Prof. Dr. Ridwan Sanjaya

Department of Information Systems
Soegijapranata Catholic University (SCU)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sasa Arsovski

Dean of the AI & Robotic Faculty
Raffles University

Mr. Deepak Mane

Australian Computer Society

Mr. Deepak Dasaratha Rao

Lead Consultant
Toyota Motors
United States.

Mrs. Sonal Gulati

Assistant Professor
Department of Management
NDIM India

Mr. Sunderaj Nagalingam


Session Chair

Mrs. Sonal Gulati

Assistant Professor
Department of Management
NDIM India


Physics Study Program
Universitas Udayana

Mr. I Ketut Putra Juliantara, M.Si

Department of Biology
Universitas Udayana


Ms.Agnes Maria Salvi Anastasia Victor


Ni Luh Putu Ardini Astina Putri


Rona Indah Lestari Simamora

ICECTASET-2024 will actively contribute to the SDGs:

By aligning with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we affirm our dedication to global sustainability and societal well-being. Here are several ways in which ICECTASET-2024 will contribute to advancing the SDGs:

Goal 4: Quality Education:

Analyse how AI-powered educational tools can mitigate disparities in access to quality education by providing personalised learning experiences and educational resources to marginalised and vulnerable populations.

Sessions to be Addressed :
Session:1: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Session:5: Education and E-Learning
Session:7: Social Media and Digital Marketing
Session:8: Robotics and Automation
Goal 5: Gender Equality:

Investigate the role of cutting-edge strategies in social media and digital marketing in reducing the risk of violence against women, offering crucial assistance during crises, and promoting safer online environments, thus enhancing awareness and empowerment.

Sessions to be Addressed :
Session:7: Social Media and Digital Marketing
Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

This objective involves not only providing access to energy but also ensuring that it is affordable, reliable, and environmentally sustainable.

Sessions to be Addressed :
Session:6: Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technologies
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Explore the significant impact of Big Data and Analytics in generating diverse employment opportunities across multiple sectors.

Sessions to be Addressed :
Session:2: Big Data and Analytics
Session:3: Cybersecurity and Privacy
Session:7: Social Media and Digital Marketing
Session:8: Robotics and Automation
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

Investigate the role of cybersecurity and privacy frameworks in empowering trust among consumers, investors, and regulatory bodies.

Sessions to be Addressed :
Session:1: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Session:2: Big Data and Analytics
Session:3: Cybersecurity and Privacy
Session:4: Digital Transformation and Innovation
Session:8: Robotics and Automation
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Delve into the intersections of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technologies within various disciplines, investigating their pivotal role in shaping safe, sustainable, and inclusive cities.

Sessions to be Addressed :
Session:6: Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technologies
Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production:

Gain insights into strategies for achieving resource efficiency, waste reduction, and sustainable production and consumption practices through the application of cutting-edge technology.

Sessions to be Addressed :
Session:6: Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technologies
Session:8: Robotics and Automation
Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Explore cutting-edge research in Cybersecurity and Privacy, encompassing fields like Cloud security, mobile security, and Privacy and data protection regulations and uncover insights aimed at fostering inclusive and harmonious societies while safeguarding sustainability, prosperity, and peace for future generations.

Sessions to be Addressed :
Session:3: Cybersecurity and Privacy
Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals:

Analyse how digital initiatives leverage technology to devise and implement innovative solutions, advancing sustainability initiatives in alignment with international collaborations.

Sessions to be Addressed :
Session:1: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Session:2: Big Data and Analytics
Session:4: Digital Transformation and Innovation
Session:7: Social Media and Digital Marketing

Proceedings & Publications

Note : ICECTASET-2024 proceedings series will be submitted to the Web of Science Book Citation Index (BkCI) and to SCOPUS for evaluation and indexing (T&C)*.

Why attend Conference?

Conferences provide a unique environment to establish connections with professionals in your field, fostering collaborations and partnerships·
Update knowledge
Attending engineering and technology conferences keeps you updated about the latest research, industry trends, and best practices.
ICECTASET offers opportunities to present and publish your research in top journals
Research ideas
Engaging with diverse perspectives at conferences can generate new research ideas and encourage innovation.
Global recognition
Participating in conferences can gain global recognition for their research and projects.
Lifetime Access to Research Presentations
Offering a lifelong opportunity means that individuals, once granted access, can continue to benefit from and view research presentations indefinitely. This provides ongoing access to valuable content without time limitations.

Session Tracks

Essential Downloads

Conference poster
conference brochure
sample Abstract
Sample Full paper
Register form

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